Save the Kakapo!

Welcome to the Kakapo Website!

Kakapo on clutch
Photo by Theo Thompson

The kakapo is one of the rarest parrots in the world:

  • It’s flightless
  • It’s the world’s heaviest parrot
  • It's possibly the oldest living bird and
  • It has a subsonic mating boom that can travel several kilometres

  • And that's just a few things that make kakapo so special!

    The kakapo can only be found in New Zealand and every year countless people from around the world - dozens of hard-working volunteers - give their time and energy trying to save the kakapo from the brink of extinction.

    Most of the Kakapo Recovery takes place on remote, predator-free islands off southern New Zealand.

    The modifications I made to my website are changing the background color for all the webpages, resizing one image and changing the alignment of it on story page, editing and using an image as the background to one of web pages; adding another two web pages:take action.html and donate.html and adding another two images for the two pages, three external hyperlinks added to my website. In addition,I added informative alt tags for all the images that describe what they show, an unordered bulleted list added on index page.